today woke up half an hour late..neh neh ,,due to the medicine i took last night..luckily i make it in time..hahas..and today is our POC practical,,cook beef stew and onion soup..the taste errrr i whould just pass bahx,,cos its too salty hahas..and a shocking matter,,my friend was followed by 2 guys,,and the 2 guys is like OMG,,CMI one de lor..hahas..she was feeling so bloody scared man,,and they told the chef,,and the chef say they might be dismissed,,i was like WTF??so seriously??LOLS..alright soon after that mie and my clique,ser jie;winnie;cyndee;kenneth&wei liang,went to JE for K-BOX..from 1 plus all the way till 7..power sia..we was super high at the beginning,,den jiu super EMO,,and HIGH again..i sing until no voice sia..hahas..but was a very fun and enjoyable day for mie..and holy shit man,,my flu is getting worse,,GOD BLESS MIE..i just cant stop sneezing after i reach home..
mie; winnie; ser jie
mie; ser jie
mie singing and wei liang helping mie for the words
mie and wei liang with ser jie fingers
thats all for my photo,,and i swear my hair was in a fucking condition today..NEH NEH..
thats all for my photo,,and i swear my hair was in a fucking condition today..NEH NEH..
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